Parish School of Religion
What is PSR?
PSR, or Parish School of Religion, is the religious education program hosted by St. Vincent de Paul Parish for students in Kindergarten-8th grade who do not attend a Catholic school. This program gives your children a foundation in the faith that allows them to participate more fully in the parish.
This school year will be held in person. Following guidelines from the diocese, we can safely host our PSR classes this fall, beginning on September 25. Classes will meet in the Marist Center Hall every Sunday from 10:30 am to 11:30 am. The cost is $40 per student and $30 for each additional child in a family. This cost allows us to provide materials and resources for your children’s formation.
Registration Forms and the yearly calendar are listed below. If you have questions, please feel free to contact the Director of Religious Education, Derek Dimmey, at 304-242-0406 or at
Registration Forms & Calendar
PSR Registration for New Students (PDF Download)
PSR Registration for Returning Students (PDF Download)
Calendar (TBD)
Sacramental Preparation
PSR includes Sacramental Preparation for First Communion in 2nd grade and Confirmation in 7th and 8th grade. To prepare for First Communion, which takes place every year, the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston requires that your child participate in PSR for at least one year before 2nd grade. Please provide your child’s birth and baptism certificate (if they were not baptized here at St. Vincent de Paul) with their registration form.
Confirmation at St. Vincent de Paul Parish occurs once every 2 years, so students are either in 7th or 8th grade when they are confirmed. If you are interested in having your child confirmed at our parish, contact Derek Dimmey. Confirmation prerequisites and requirements are covered over the 2-year program.
If your child is over the age of 7 and has not been baptized, please contact Derek Dimmey at 304-242-0406, or, so they can go through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC).
Interested in Helping Out?
A Parish Team of Catechists makes a year-long commitment to serve the religious education and formation needs of children who attend public schools in grades K-8. Catechetical sessions are held on Sundays from 10:30 am to 11:30 am in the various rooms of the Marist Centre. If you are interested in this important ministry of helping to lay a strong religious foundation for these children and at the same time grow in your own faith, please call Derek Dimmey at 304-242-0406, or High school juniors and seniors or college students – this is a good ministry for you to consider!
Youth Group
Youth Group News
Please welcome Brandon and Tennieal Porter as they begin a New Youth Ministry Initiative here at St. Vincent’s Parish! Brandon is an alumni and substitute teacher at St. Vincent’s School, has attended and directed St. Vincent’s Summer Camp, and is excited to help the parish youth have the same great experiences he remembers.
Tennieal truly began her faith journey when she volunteered at St. Vincent’s Summer Camp. This past year, she completed RCIA to become an official member of our parish. They pair hope the new Youth Group will not only build a sense of community for young people, but for the parish as a whole.
Please call or text Brandon and Tennieal Porter at (304) 780-8655 to learn more.